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Reception Chatter

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Reception’s first week

Reception have had a fabulous first week in school. The children have been exploring the different areas within the classroom and the outdoor area.

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Reception Read Write Inc parent meeting

Reception parents were invited into class to read with their child. Parents then had the opportunity to meet with Mrs Wilkinson to find out about our phonics scheme ‘Read Write inc’. During the meeting, parents were given a reading pack to help with their child’s reading and writing at home.

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Our Senses

The children in Reception have been learning about their senses. They had the opportunity to taste different foods. they tasted foods that are salty, bitter, sour and sweet.

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On Monday 23rd CAFOD visited our school to tell us all about how their World Gifts scheme has developed and how Catholic Social Teaching principles remind us how to live together, supporting everyone.

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Water Play

Both indoors and outdoors, Reception children have been exploring the water areas. Allowing children to explore water safely helps children to develop and strengthen their gross and fine motor skills, as well as improving their hand-eye coordination. They have enjoyed finding different ways to make the water travel.

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Looking after our teeth

In Reception we have been learning about people who help us, we looked at the job of a dentist. We then talked about how we can keep our teeth healthy. The children had a chance to practise their teeth brushing skills.

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Buddies Assembly

Year 6 welcomed their buddies from Reception to St Jude’s Catholic Primary School during assembly.

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Reception class 2024 open evening. 🌈

🌟 📚 Do you have a child due to start Reception Class in September 2025?
Applications have opened on the Wigan Council website and will close on 25th January 2025. Between now and the closing date is your opportunity to visit local primary schools and choose the right school for your child. ❤️

📚 To give prospective families a closer look at our fantastic reception class and the experiences we offer, we invite you to our Open Evening on Wednesday, 27th November from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

🍎 Join us to tour school, meet our dedicated staff and discover all that St. Jude’s has to offer. It’s a perfect opportunity to ask questions and see firsthand how we create a supportive and stimulating environment for our youngest learners.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of our nurturing, vibrant school community! We can’t wait to welcome you and your child.

⭐️ For more information and to apply, visit the Wigan Council website today!

StJudesschool #Reception2025 #OpenEvening #WiganCouncil #EarlyYearsEducation #FutureofEducation

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In Reception, the children have been learning about the season of Autumn. They had the opportunity to go on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. The children also rolled conkers in paint to create some fantastic pieces of art.

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Bonfire Night

Reception about the story of ‘The Gunpowder Plot’. The children also had a discussion about keeping safe during Bonfire Night. They then had the opportunity to make some edible sparklers and created some firework artwork.

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❤️🌈⭐️ Fun Friday in Early Years ⭐️🌈❤️

What a lovely morning we have had in our early years department this morning. ⭐️
We have been using our water play equipment, we have been pouring, mixing and strengthening our developing gross and fine motor skills.

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⭐️❤️🥰 Open Evening 🥰❤️⭐️

🌟 📚 Do you have a child due to start Reception Class in September 2025?
Applications have opened on the Wigan Council website and will close on 25th January 2025. Between now and the closing date is your opportunity to visit local primary schools and choose the right school for your child. ❤️

📚 To give prospective families a closer look at our fantastic reception class and the experiences we offer, we invite you to our Open Evening on Wednesday, 27th November from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

🍎 Join us to tour school, meet our dedicated staff and discover all that St. Jude’s has to offer. It’s a perfect opportunity to ask questions and see firsthand how we create a supportive and stimulating environment for our youngest learners.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of our nurturing, vibrant school community! We can’t wait to welcome you and your child.

⭐️ For more information and to apply, visit the Wigan Council website today!

StJudesschool #Reception2025 #OpenEvening #WiganCouncil #EarlyYearsEducation #FutureofEducation

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Open evening ❤️🌈⭐️

🌟 📚 Do you have a child due to start Reception Class in September 2025?
Applications have opened on the Wigan Council website and will close on 25th January 2025. Between now and the closing date is your opportunity to visit local primary schools and choose the right school for your child. ❤️

📚 To give prospective families a closer look at our fantastic reception class and the experiences we offer, we invite you to our Open Evening on Wednesday, 27th November from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM.

🍎 Join us to tour school, meet our dedicated staff and discover all that St. Jude’s has to offer. It’s a perfect opportunity to ask questions and see firsthand how we create a supportive and stimulating environment for our youngest learners.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of our nurturing, vibrant school community! We can’t wait to welcome you and your child.

⭐️ For more information and to apply, visit the Wigan Council website today!

StJudesschool #Reception2025 #OpenEvening #WiganCouncil #EarlyYearsEducation #FutureofEducation

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Fun in the Snow

After the snow fall over night, Reception had lots of fun playing and exploring outside.

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Art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy

The children in Reception looked at and discussed photographs of Andy Goldsworthy’s artwork and sculptures. They then create their own pieces of art in the style of And Goldsworthy.

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In Reception we have been exploring light and dark. The children enjoyed making shadow and finger puppets in class.

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The children in Reception have been learning about pattern. They explored making patterns such as spiral, zig zag, lines and dots. They then went on to make AB patterns with their bodies and coloured objects.

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Wigan Library Services

Reception had a visitor from Wigan Library Services, they learned about what the local libraries have to offer and found out how to become a member of a library. The children also enjoyed joining in with fun, interactive stories.

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Christmas Buddies

Reception and Year 6 have enjoyed spending some time together with their buddies, sharing Christmas cards that they have made for each other and eating lunch together.

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In Reception, the children have been learning about winter. They had chance to spot scenes of winter on a wonderful walk around the school grounds, they learnt about wearing appropriate clothes in winter to keep warm. They had the opportunity to explore freezing and melting with real life snow. They also painted some beautiful winter scenes.

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Partitioning five

In Reception, the children have been exploring ways to partition 5 into different parts. They have been singing five little speckled frogs and they have also been hiding the frogs into the pool to find different way to partition 5.

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Chinese New Year

The children in Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year, they learned about the celebrations and traditions that take place. The children enjoyed tasting some delicious, Chinese food and made some fabulous decorations.

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Handa’s Surprise Food tasting

This week, Reception have been reading Handa’s surprise. They have had the opportunity to taste the delicious fruits from the story. Whilst doing so, the children described how the fruits felt, smelt and tasted.