Mental Health and Wellbeing
St Jude’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Team
Mrs M Ashurst- Senior Mental Health Lead
Mrs C Quinn- Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner
Mrs Brown- Mental Health and Wellbeing Practitioner
Chellie Minney- Counsellor MBACP
At St Jude’s we take a whole school approach to promoting positive mental health, aiming to help children become more resilient! We do this by;
- Creating and applying consistent ethos, policies and behaviours that support mental health and well-being.
- Adhering to a positive, restorative approach to behaviour management.
- Helping children socially to form and maintain relationships.
- Helping children to feel comfortable about sharing any concerns or worries.
- Teaching children emotional skills and an awareness of mental health so that they understand their emotions and feelings better
Please speak to a member of staff in school if you would like any further support or guidance on Mental Health and Well-Being. Alternatively, click on the websites below.
Improving children’s mental health in schools – Place2Be
Parents and Carers | Advice and Guidance | Anna Freud Centre
Parents Helpline | Mental Health Help for Your Child | YoungMinds
Mental health support | Action For Children
Signs That a Child Is Suffering From Mental Health Issues | NSPCC