Welcome Back!
Don’t forget that Monday 2nd September is an inset day. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 3rd September.
38Don’t forget that Monday 2nd September is an inset day. We look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Tuesday 3rd September.
38Today we gathered together to welcome all staff and children back for our new school year. Mr Wilson led Prayer and Liturgy giving everyone the opportunity to reflect on what they are excited about for the year ahead!
32The children have been researching the work of the artist, Alexander Calder.
21Today in Science, Y6 have been investigating the impact of exercise on their heart rate by measuring their pulse before and after 5 minutes of exercise in the glorious sunshine.
23In Art, Year 5 have started researching the Spanish painter and sculptor Joan Miro. They discovered that his artistic talents were evident from a young age although his family did not agree with his passion for the subject. He developed his love for surrealist art in his adult years when he became an inspiration to other artists.
23Reception have had a fabulous first week in school. The children have been exploring the different areas within the classroom and the outdoor area.
22This term, Year 6 will be focusing on ball skills in PE. Today, we have been developing our reaction and response in a game of tag netball.
17In Year 1 the children have been practising new words by writing them in the sand and making them using magnetic letters.
15Reception parents were invited into class to read with their child. Parents then had the opportunity to meet with Mrs Wilkinson to find out about our phonics scheme ‘Read Write inc’. During the meeting, parents were given a reading pack to help with their child’s reading and writing at home.
14In Maths this week, we have been learning to find one more. We used the 10s frame and linking cubes to represent what one more than our number would be.
17What is a computer? We learned that a computer uses electricity and needs an input to produce an output. We worked out if an object was a computer or not.
10Y6 were using atlases to find the location of different mountain ranges from around the world, particularly the Himalaya which is what we will be learning about this term.
4Our topic this autumn is All About Me. We can all identify the parts of our face. We decorated some biscuits and spoke about how everyone is different and how out biscuits are different too.
3This week Year 1 celebrated Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. We listened to the sounds in the world around us and thanked God for all that he created for us.
3Our Prayer and Liturgy this week reminded us that God will provide us with everything we need so we don’t need to worry. If we do have worries, like the bubbles, they will eventually disappear.