St Jude's Catholic Primary School

St Jude's Catholic Primary School

"Together, we learn, love and grow with Jesus"


Welcome to our Preschool Information Page. On this page you will find our termly class newsletter and other information about what we will be doing soon.


In Preschool we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is based upon four themes:

  • A Unique Child – developing resilient, capable, confident and self assured individuals
  • Positive Relationships – supporting the children in becoming strong and independent self assured individuals
  • Enabling Environments – where opportunities respond to individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents/carers
  • Learning and Development – acknowledging that children learn in different ways and at different rates

More information on the EYFS framework and how it is delivered at St Jude's is included in our Early Years Policy which can be found on our General Policies page.  


Our EYFS Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Pre-school Long Term Plan

What are Pre-school learning this year?

Early Years Core Stories and Rhymes

Termly Class Newsletter

Each term we will send parents a newsletter.  Here is the most recent newsletter:-

What to expect in the EYFS - A Guide for Parents

What are Pre-school learning this term? 

Termly Homework Project

To support our classroom learning a termly project will be set. This is the homework organiser for this term.

If you have any questions or would like any further information about the curriculum or how you can further support your child's learning at home then please speak to your child's class teacher.  

If you would like any copies of the documents on this page, the school office will be happy to print them for you.  

Phonics and Reading

Systematic synthetic daily phonics is taught following the Read Write Inc Programme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1, beginning in the summer term of Pre-school. Pupils are grouped according to ability across the year groups. Progress is tracked throughout the year by the early reading and phonics lead and groupings are adjusted accordingly. Pupils in Year 1 have a National Phonics Screening Test in June. Pupils who do not achieve the expected standard re-sit the test the following year when they are in Y2.  Fast track tutoring will be used as an intervention when required to support early reading and writing. 
When pupils complete the Read Write Inc phonics programme they begin 'No-nonsense spelling'.  This programme is taught throughout Key Stage 2. 

We use the Read Write Inc reading scheme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1 where books are fully decodable and correlate with where the child is up to in the scheme.  When ready, children are sent home two books which are matched to their reading level from Read, Write, Inc. and a book to read for pleasure with an adult, which will be from the school library.


Pre-school News and Gallery 


We have settled well into Preschool, we have been exploring all aspects of provision making bonds with our teachers and  building friendships.


We have been playing outside in the water. Water play provides valuable childhood experiences through hours of absorbing fun. We have been splashing, pouring, spraying and creating waves. It enhances their creativity and imagination, promoting good health and well-being. Also providing opportunities for some wonderful investigating and scientific learning. 


The Preschool children have really enjoyed reading the story "Leaf Man". We went on a leaf hunt to find the perfect leaf man and made our very own to take home. 


This year in pre school we have celebrated Christmas with a festive stay and play. We enjoyed a range of different activities and some delicious cakes. We ended our stay and play with a Christmas sing song. 


In January in Pre school we enjoyed a very snowy day. We got all wrapped up warm in our wetsuits and went outside to explore. We enjoyed making snow balls, snowmen and noticing the winter changes within the weather. 


This month we have celebrated "random acts of kindness day."  We decided we would like to show kindness to others around us so we made some lovely cards for teachers and staff within school. We went around school handing these out and allowing staff to choose a treat.


This month we have been learning all about the sea. We have been looking at all the different sea creatures that live in the oceans. We have been looking at beach holidays, and different ways we can get to the beach. We even made our own aeroplane in the garden and enjoyed ice creams together. We have been looking at sea pollution and enjoyed different tuff trays around this theme. 


In April our topic has been "Creatures Great and Small".  The children have been learning all about the farm, the zoo and minibeasts. We have made our own cow collage art work pictures. Then, we have been looking at the different patterns on animals which you may find at the zoo. Whilst we were learning about minibeasts, we went on a bug hunt, checking which mini beasts live in our school grounds. 


In May in Preschool we have playing and exploring in our mud kitchen, we have been encouraging role play, sharing and turn taking. 
All the children worked together to make mud pies and used their imagination skills to open a mud cafe. We have been developing numeracy and literacy skills by counting our mud bakes and taking orders for our mud cafe.