St Jude's Catholic Primary School

St Jude's Catholic Primary School

"Together, we learn, love and grow with Jesus"

Welcome to Year Four

Welcome to our Year 4 Information Page. On this page you will find our Y4 Long term plan, our latest termly class newsletter, details of our homework project for this half term and any other relevant information.

Long Term Plan

Below is the plan showing the topics taught through the year. Please see the curriculum subject pages for more information regarding the topics.

Termly Class Newsletter

Below is the relevant information that you will need for this term. If you have any further questions please see the class teacher.

Termly Homework Project

Alongside weekly class homework, a termly homework project will be set to support classroom learning. Below is this half terms project. 

Phonics and Reading

Systematic synthetic daily phonics is taught following the Read Write Inc Programme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1, beginning in the summer term of Pre-school. Pupils are grouped according to ability across the year groups. Progress is tracked throughout the year by the early reading and phonics lead and groupings are adjusted accordingly. Pupils in Year 1 have a National Phonics Screening Test in June. Pupils who do not achieve the expected standard re-sit the test the following year when they are in Y2.   Fast track tutoring will be used as an intervention when required to support early reading and writing. 
When pupils complete the Read Write Inc phonics programme they begin 'No-nonsense spelling'.  This programme is taught throughout Key Stage 2. 

We use the Read Write Inc reading scheme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1 where books are fully decodable and correlate with where the child is up to in the scheme.  Children are also sent home two books which are  matched to their reading level from RWI and a book to read for pleasure with an adult, which will be from the school library.


In Key Stage 2 the reading schemes used are Oxford Ready Tree Treetops and Literacy World.  Children also visit the school library each week and take a book home to enjoy with an adult.

If you have any questions or would like any further information about the curriculum or how you can further support your child's learning at home then please speak to your child's class teacher.  

If you would like any copies of the documents on this page, the school office will be happy to print them for you.  

Year 4 News and Gallery 


'Mama Mia! In Year 4, we have been learning about changes in dynamics in music through a famous ABBA song.' 


In DT, we have been busy creating stylish and informative product packaging for some yummy biscuits!


In November, Year Four were visited by a member of the Jewish faith and learned all about the important of Torah scrolls.


Year Four visited the DEVA Roman Experience in Chester for our school trip in December. We were immersed in the local culture and life of Romans living in Britain. We discovered Roman foods, used Roman toilets, witnessed Miss Atherton win a gladiator battle in the arena and marched through the streets of Chester performing Roman military drills with swords and shields!


We have been busy learning about electrical energy and building circuits using a variety of components.


This month, Year Four had a special visit from the Wigan Warriors. They had the opportunity to see their trophies and ask questions about the team and life as a rugby player.


Year Four have been studying the works of Antony Gormley in art and have produced their own sculptures based on the human body using clay and modroc.


Year 4 have been learning about the inspirational composer Florence Price and have been performing the 'Juba Dance' using body percussion in Music.


This month, we were transported to a peaceful harbour village bakery, when beginning our new book 'Baker by the Sea'. We got to immerse ourselves within the bakery setting and experience some yummy baked goods ourselves!